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USwap is a decentralized protocol for automatic liquidation of smart contracts.
Uswap.Tube distributes all Tube1 to the community through liquidity mining, and anyone can farm Tube1 by providing liquidity through a designated paired pledge pool.
The production will begin on February 1, 2021, with a daily limit of 300 Tube1s. All Tube1s must be produced in the pool designated to provide liquidity in Uswap.Tube. All pools will be limited to 300 tubes per day. is assigned a mining quota.
Tube1 has no pre-mining and no reservation, all users can participate in Tube1 liquidity mining. As a Uswap.Tube incentive scheme, it will drive the depth of the pledge pool and increase the trading volume of the pairing. Tube1 will be paired with ETH to form a direct circulation with the mainstream currency.