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Sirius oracle is a one-way digital agent that can find and verify real-world data and submit the information to smart contracts in an encrypted manner. Sirius oracle is like a third-party data broker in the blockchain world. Sirius ORacle provides an oracle service that helps smart contracts access key off-chain resources, website APIs, and traditional bank account payments.
The off-chain nodes of Sirius ORacle will provide data, and the on-chain part of Sirius ORacle will collect data request requirements, then collect answers from appropriate nodes, and feed back to the information requester after weighted conclusions are obtained. Sirius ORacle also has a reputation evaluation system for nodes. The information demander can choose a node with a specific reputation level, and the reputation score of each node will be updated after each information feedback.
Sirius ORacle Farm generates the initial governance token SSO through liquidity mining, and attracts a large number of users and funds to participate in this financial experiment. Liquidity mining is a more fair and transparent way to generate initial tokens, and it can help Sirius ORacle quickly acquire initial users in a short period of time. Sirius ORacle's liquidity mining will be divided into two stages. While mining high income, it will have a stronger sense of experience and participation, and encourage users to participate more and continue to participate. This is a more concise pledge mining business than Staking.