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The Shopping.io platform gathers the current mainstream e-commerce platforms, allowing consumers to enjoy online shopping seamlessly, safely and at low cost. Shopping.io acts as a bridge between the cryptocurrency world and the physical world, providing the technical infrastructure to shop in major e-commerce marketplaces with free shipping and great discounts of up to 10%, even without having to be on individual e-commerce sites Create a personal account. Shopping.io provides an efficient, blockchain-based payment processor without compromising security. The Shopping.io platform will act as a next-generation e-commerce marketplace and payment processor. GSPI is the community governance token of Shopping.io.
SPI is the native token of Shopping.io, which is used to release planned discounts and offers on Shopping.io, and currently supports the use of SPI on Amazon (US), Walmart (US), eBay (US), etc. to make the payment. Shopping.io's mission and vision is to facilitate the way crypto e-commerce goes mainstream while engaging in retail at scale.