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SHIELD (its English abbreviation is "XSH"), and its Chinese name is "神城币". The inherent long-term success of the blockchain is its scalability, and the upcoming "project sharding" will allow SHIELD and its user base to expand into the distant future. With security as a key foundation of its mission, the XSH coin was created as a multi-algorithm coin. And this can also avoid greater resistance caused by 51% computing power attacks, and at the same time increase the accessibility of the mining industry. For the security and sustainability of the digital cryptocurrency, "Project Boo" will implement the Staking system, which will not only strengthen SHIELD's ability to resist blockchain attacks, but also reduce the impact on the current environment to a certain extent .
盾货币的使命就是为用户提供快速、安全的匿名交易。 At present, the digital cryptocurrency has 5 mineable algorithms, no icon, no premine, and is gradually becoming a peer-to-peer currency space for all participants. The planned implementation of Masternodes, Proof of Stake, RSK smart contracts, and quantum-resistant protocols have security protections as typical currencies in their roadmap.
Scalable: Inherent to blockchains long-term success is its scalability, the upcoming "project sharding" will allow to protect the size of its user base into the distant future.
Multi-Algorithm:和安全作为一个关键的基础,该创始团队的终极目标就是创建multi-algorithm硬币。 This allows for a greater resistance to 51% attacks, and at the same time also increases accessibility for the mining community.
PoS:保证XSH币的安全性和可持续性。 In the future, the "boo project" will implement a surveillance system that strengthens the blockchain shield against attacks, and at the same time reduces its environmental impact.
盾协议将取代椭圆曲线数字签名与Lamport Winternitz或幸福签名来支持创建真正意义上的量子点对点地址证明。
盾汇率将进一步区分本身通过实现一个自定义的PoS计划(PoS BOO)masternodes操作在一个网络。 Shield masternodes will improve the security and anonymity of the Shield network, while additionally allowing enhanced transaction features such as PrivateSend and InstantSend.