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SAR Gold Constant Token is an innovative product created by the "SAR Precious Metals Exchange" to solve the problem of physical movement in the gold trading process. In the initial stage of issuance and the circulation stage, the C.C.M Foundation and the SBBM Fund will deposit silver gold equivalent to 50 billion euros in Swiss UBS as the backing guarantee for the issuance of the "SAR Gold Token". 1:1 Anchoring the quantity of physical gold for circulation and issuance, and using the real-time price of gold on the Shanghai Precious Metals Exchange in China as a constant price anchor.
SAR Precious Metals Exchange is a legal gold exchange operating in Africa, the world's largest gold reserve, registered in the Republic of Uganda. "SAR Gold Constant Pass", like most "legal currency" issuances in the world, belongs to the issuance and circulation category relying on the "gold standard". The legal digital encryption gold certificate issued by minting on the website. And belong to the SAR Precious Metal Exchange's legal gold certificate with constant nature (ie: gold digital bill of lading).
The main purpose of the issuance of the SAR gold constant pass is to be used as a global circulation price stable trade settlement, commodity transaction, digital asset transaction, financial management transaction under the non-physical movement of gold, asset storage and other financial management tools and payment tools.