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Ryoma aims to become a GamefiDAO for game development, distribution and item trading, seamlessly connecting players and game publishers. The BakumatsuGameFi platform currency is Ryoma Token. All games on the BakumatsuGameFi platform generate assets related to Ryoma Token, which can be circulated on the network regardless of region and time. Players can use one account to play all games on the platform.
RYOMA platform currency is mainly used for:
1. To access games, platform games need to have Royma Token as an access condition, and Ryoma will be locked during the game to record the playing time;
2. Payment platform Transaction fees;
3. Minting game assets NFTs;
4. Voting, RyomaGameFi adopts the DAO governance model, you can get votes by mortgaging RyomaToken, participate in governance, and vote for the first batch of online new game mining pools.
5. Pledge, if platform users want to create a new mining pool, they must establish Ryoma Token —— a liquidity pool of Token X.