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Based on Litecoin technology, PlatinCoin is not only a new generation of cryptocurrency, but also an extremely flexible and multifunctional platform with PlatinCoin encryption system that allows everyone to create various daily business activities without delaying payment for goods and services. PlatinCoin aims to be the most widely used cryptocurrency in the world, especially for international users without bank accounts. Its underlying blockchain technology facilitates high daily payments. PlatinCoin offers fast, cheap, international and secure transfers with instant payment methods. The advantage of PlatinCoin is that it can meet the individual payment needs of individuals as well as commercial users such as merchants and service providers. Additionally, the launch of the PlatinCoin debit card will further facilitate the commercial viability of PlatinCoin.
How This Technology Generates Income
You can convert financial assets into PLATINCOINS and start saving, minting and actively scaling the number of tokens. Additionally, their price can rise as PLATINCOIN develops its infrastructure and becomes more popular. PLC digital currency allows you to generate profits.
People can enjoy technical and financial freedom
PLATINCOIN is a mass market cryptocurrency that allows every member to develop and earn income using blockchain without special technical knowledge, Regardless of age, education and wealth.
As a member, you will be the sole holder of your tokens. You are free to spend and transfer currency quickly and securely. You can also save, transport, store, gift or inherit tokens, and perform other transactions anywhere in the world.
PLATINCOIN entitles you to a steady 30% annual return with daily payments (MINTING) for the next 10 years. Minting is a way of minting tokens with the professional software Power MINTER. It allows you to mine more tokens from the tokens you already hold and load into Power MINTER.
Our Own Ecosystem
The PLATINCOIN Ecosystem currently includes more than 10 products such as Crypto ATMs, PoS Terminals, Secure Box and many more. The PLC token is the heart of the ecosystem. Our main goal is to increase the popularity of cryptocurrencies by bringing millions of users around the world into the cryptocurrency industry.
Community Development
Our community will grow as the ecosystem grows, 400,000 people have already joined us and our global goal is to reach 5,000,000 members by 2020! Therefore, it is in our interest to release as many high-quality products as possible and introduce more newcomers to the cryptocurrency market.
We are increasing the number of users with our product by:
Installing crypto ATMs all over the world; installing PoS terminals in countries; expanding our community by 2020 to 5 million people.
This will allow us to work with the world's biggest brands to promote the adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology around the world.