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NFIL provides a brand-new Filecoin liquidity computing power solution, and users can participate in Filecoin mining in a more flexible and efficient way. The platform will mint 1,000 NFIL for every T standard Filecoin effective computing power packaged, and each NFIL corresponds to 0.001T Filecoin standard effective computing power, and participates in real Filecoin mining and income distribution. Users who hold NFIL tokens in their wallets can enjoy the distribution of Filecoin mining income, and there is no time period limit. Fund management is flexible and convenient. At the same time, users can enjoy higher Filecoin mining income distribution through the income enhancement mechanism. As a liquid mining token, NFIL can also be freely circulated and traded in the secondary market at any time, which means that users can sell and transfer the FIL computing power in their hands at any time, which greatly improves the liquidity and flexibility of FIL miners sex.
NFIL token is the value certificate of NFIL liquidity mining ecology, which can encourage users to participate in asset transactions in NFIL distributed data storage network, obtain transaction fees and notarization fees, jointly maintain network security, and reward transaction nodes And notary nodes are implemented in a way that supports mining.