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Merit Circle is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that invests in earn-by-play games and leverages NFTs by lending the DAO's NFT assets to players. Through collaboration, education, and tools, players can increase their gaming revenue. Beginning in Q1 2022, players and managers will begin playing through the Merit Circle dashboard, providing them with the Merit Circle metagame experience, a challenging and rewarding game on top of the native game they are playing. This allows players to play both games at the same time and profit at the same time.
MC is the governance token of Merit Circle DAO, with the following current and planned use cases:
Governance: MC token holders (staking tokens) can vote on network governance decisions.
Play-to-earn Index: Each MC token represents a portion of the MainDAO treasury. Through MC tokens, users will have access to multiple game NFTs in various subDAOs, which will serve as an index for the earn-by-play industry.
Staking: MC token holders can stake their MC tokens or Uniswap LP tokens in the Merit Circle platform to get MC rewards.
Early access to NFT: MC token holders can early experience the distribution of native NFT from Merit Circle and NFT from platform partners.
Platform rewards: In the future, MC token holders will be eligible to receive platform rewards and product discounts based on their MC holdings.
The project raised $4.5 million in funding in a seed sale, selling 140,625,000 MC (14.06% of the total token supply).
The DAO has raised $105.5M in the Balancer Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool via Copperlaunch, selling 41,020,000 MC tokens (4.10% of the total token supply). The funds raised exist in the DAO treasury.