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Mallau cards make digital memories possible as encrypted collectibles. Any article, video, or anything you like with a URL can be "MarbleCards" into an encrypted collection card. These collectibles are called Manbuka cards. It's a method of creating and trading unique digital cards based on a URL, and each web page can only use one person MarbleCards once.
MarbleCards are based on the ERC721 standard, so each URL can only be MarbleCards once. When you buy a MarbleCards, you can be sure it's unique. You can deposit, share or trade.
Every MarbleCards card has a unique and beautiful pattern, which is algorithmically generated at the time of MarbleCards. Patterns are influenced by the content of the MarbleCards web page. Anyone can create a Manlucka card, but once created, they can be auctioned off in a Dutch auction for a limited time. If someone else buys the card in an auction, the person who initiated the auction will get a portion of the proceeds from that transaction.