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The full name of LMC is LoMoCoin, which is a brand new digital currency built into the Linmengbao APP (its underlying technology is blockchain technology).
The value support of LMC will be composed of several parts. One is the real physical strength and time spent by the players, which will bring together a large amount of real traffic, which will have huge real commercial value and opportunities for merchants to acquire customers through marketing; The second is the cash that merchants need to pay for distributing LMC to players in order to obtain traffic; the third is the real value of goods and services such as discounts provided by merchants; the fourth is the APP popularity created by the continuous interaction between players and players and merchants; The views of foreign investors on the future valuation of the entire Lingmengbao ecology, etc., together form the value support for LMC, which will be comprehensively reflected in the exchange price and total market value of LMC.