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Everyone, using whatever methods and tools are at their disposal, wants to be a part of the next big thing in the real and virtual worlds. With this in mind, the creators of the HOMERUN TOKEN, which will launch on February 12, 2022, have developed a way to be present in two places at the same time. By owning HOMERUN TOKEN, investors not only invest in the huge growth potential of cryptocurrencies, but are also real estate investors at the same time.
HOMERUN TOKEN确实是 "两个世界中最好的"。
6% of reflections are redistributed to holders. 6% of each purchase of HOMERUN TOKEN will be allocated to three fund pools, providing investors with passive income, and promoting the growth of the currency and real estate holdings, and promoting the pledged APY.
4% of each purchase will go into a real estate fund that will be used to purchase physical and metaverse properties.