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Eureka is a UTXO-based decentralized blockchain that uses a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus model where the creator of the next block is based on the native currency of the blockchain (ERK, Eureka Coin) Instead of a metric of hash rate like Bitcoin's Proof of Work (PoW) is used. In Proof of Stake (PoS), blocks are minted by stake holders rather than mined by miners. As a result, stakers earn transaction and deployment fees (Tx fees) on the network. It is worth noting that the inflation rate of Eureka Coin is zero, which means that the creation of each block does not generate any new coins, and at the same time 10% of the transaction fee (Tx fee) of each block will be burned, and the remaining 90% will be distributed to stake holders. When a coin is burned, it means it is completely excluded from circulation and no one can use it.