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ECO2 Ledger is a blockchain public chain network designed for the global carbon market, enabling carbon sink assets to circulate freely on the blockchain, increasing personal participation in carbon neutrality, and enhancing corporate carbon emission reduction Awareness, and promote the realization of carbon neutrality in the whole society. The core of ECO2 Ledger is zero-carbon emission, and a carbon-neutral program is added to the consensus mechanism at the protocol level, which is also a blockchain system powered by carbon neutrality. At the same time, the ECO2 public chain is also a Polkadot ecological project, which can be integrated into the Polkadot ecosystem. ECO2 Ledger uses the Substrate technical framework and uses the NPoS consensus mechanism to elect verifiers and produce blocks on the chain. The block production time is 6-12 seconds, and ECO2 Ledger can perform 3000-5000 transactions per second. The total number of issued ECO2 tokens is constant at 300 million pieces, which is the only utility and governance token on the ECO2 Ledger chain. ECO2 Ledger explores the best solutions to climate issues with the help of blockchain technology. ECO2 expects to establish a global low-carbon consensus, unite the forces of all parties, and jointly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and alleviate climate warming.
ECO2 LEDGER architecture and special ⾊
ECO2 LEDGER to make the Substrate technology of Parity. In order to achieve the decentralization and universality of the network, the NPoS common mechanism is used to ensure that the selection of nodes responsible for recording and verifying data in the blockchain network is fair and stable. ECO2 Ledger provides personal carbon wallets, personal carbon transactions and carbon neutral functions to ensure that the entire blockchain network achieves carbon neutrality. ECO2 Ledger's governance structure and carbon neutral module use ECO2 tokens to reward nodes or users who participate in super node elections. Using this technical structure, ECO2 Ledger uses the above architecture to achieve scale and decentralization of global climate action. ECO2 Ledger 的代码采取 100%开源,更多代码信息请查询 Github: https://github.com/ECO2Ledger
1.提名权益证明 NPoS
ECO2 Ledger 使⽤提名权益证明(NPoS ) consensus mechanism to elect verifiers and produce blocks on the chain, and the block production time is 6-12 seconds. The NPoS consensus mechanism has the characteristics of fast speed, high security, and low impact on the environment. Compared with proof-of-work (PoW)-based networks (such as Bitcoin or Metacoin), ECO2 Ledger uses the NPoS consensus mechanism to reduce power consumption and generate less carbon emissions. Nodes in the ECO2 Ledger network can apply to become verifiers and require other users to vote. Successfully elected as a verification node can participate in producing blocks. ECO2 Ledger has a total of 39 verification nodes, which are responsible for packaging, verifying and recording transactions on the chain, creating and verifying blocks, and performing other operations on the chain.
2.⽹络碳中和:ECO2 Ledger链上的碳抵消
尽管 ECO2 Ledger 已经使⽤较低环境冲击的低能耗共识机制运作,但⽹络的碳⾜迹仍将are offset to remain carbon neutral. When users use the ECO2 Ledger blockchain network, they need to pay a handling fee to pay for the carbon dioxide emissions generated by their operations. All handling fees will be collected by the ECO2 Foundation and the Carbon Neutral Management Committee on a regular basis. , purchase real carbon sink assets on the chain as an offset, and complete the carbon neutrality of the blockchain network operation. Details will be released on the official website. On the ECO2 Ledger, users can manage their own personal carbon neutrality, while the ECO2 Foundation will ensure that the network itself remains carbon neutral. ECO2 Leger's network carbon neutrality is realized through four elements: blockchain-based carbon wallet, distributed carbon transaction records, collective carbon neutral pool and on-chain carbon neutral management committee.
ECO2 Ledger 的智能合约需要提供两种处于运⾏期的智能合约虚拟机,分别是WebAssembly 和 EVM,WebAssembly ⽤来兼容主流的智能合约平台,EVM 则The smart contract code used to be compatible with Ethereum. Smart contracts use ink! as a programming language, ink! is an embedded specific language based on Rust. ECO2 Ledger's smart contract framework provides two smart contract development routes. The first route belongs to the traditional method, with protection mechanisms, such as deployment and requiring developers to pay for running smart contracts. Smart contracts run in an independent environment to protect core block data and other smart contract data, and there is a fallback mechanism for smart contracts when errors occur. The other is to quickly generate high-performance nodes, but does not provide protection and recovery mechanisms. Developers can access bottom chain data, but the requirements for developers are relatively high. According to the practical problems that need to be solved, developers can choose the appropriate smart contract development path.
ECO2 Ledger 通过数据访问 API 或智能合约引擎,优化向链上写⼊数据和从链上读取数据的操作,链上数据可以⾃由组合实现各种different applications. This function allows carbon assets and digital assets to be diversified for sustainable development and environmental protection. Any business, organization or individual can design and develop decentralized applications (Dapps) based on ECO2 Ledger for easy use on computers or mobile devices.