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CryptoRiyal is an ambitious project involving several seed projects that aims to revolutionize the use of artificial intelligence and technology in designing modern smart cities. The SmartRiyal platform and CryptoRiyal Token (CR) are innovative solutions for transactions and payments, while also providing a solid foundation for technological advantages that meet the needs of businesses and residents in all smart cities.
CryptoRiyal Tokens (CR) can be transferred from one e-wallet to another and held and stored/converted into fiat currency or other cryptocurrencies on the SmartRiyal platform. SmartRiyal aims to realize "fiat currency-cryptocurrency", "cryptocurrency-cryptocurrency" and "data-cryptocurrency" transfers based on the Ethereum blockchain. Anyone has access to SmartRiyal and provides it with the ultimate solution to avoid time-consuming face-to-face meetings to send money, as well as expensive remittance or trust issues through banks and remittance agencies, this is the smart contract implemented in the system and fully protected blockchain encryption methods. The CryptoRiyal investment platform brings the power of crowdfunding, enabling token holders to list investment opportunities on the platform and seek investors.
In the future, SmartRiyal will utilize advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to collect, process and learn data transmitted by users, and generate real-time recommendations for them in every department related to business and technical activities. CryptoRiyal tokens support all financial requirements arising from the future vision and characteristics of smart cities and provide state-of-the-art technological solutions for all targeted industries and any other financial, economic or business needs.