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Bitradio is an internet radio station, driven by the community. Bitradio's free radio station service brings together over 30,000 stations. During the process of listening to the radio station, users can get Bitradio tokens. Bitradio tokens can be exchanged for bitcoins and access to payment platform services.
Proof of Stake
Users who open their wallets by staking to secure the network will receive 0.5 BRO per block.
Open Source Software
Wallet software is open source so it can be audited for security.
Quick Transaction
It's so fast, you can send money to anyone in the world in seconds.
Anyone with 2.500 BRO can run a masternode for some rewards. Masternode owners earn 0.5 BRO per block.
Transparent LEDGER
Everyone shares the banking history so it is completely transparent.
Environmental friendly
Based on Proof of Stake. No need for power-hungry mining hardware anymore.
Earn activity points for every second you stream your favorite radio stations. 120.00 BRO per hour (4 BRO per block) will be allocated to users who listen to music.
Anyone can run a wallet and transact with the same or greater level of anonymity as Bitcoin. No personally identifiable information is required to create and use a Bitradio address to send and receive funds.
*The above content is organized by YouToCoin official. If reprinted, please indicate the source.