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Bitbar BTB (Bitbar) was released on May 2, 2013, based on the scrypt algorithm. The total number is 10 million, which is very rare and is compared to gold bars.
Bitbar is designed to store wealth like Bitcoin, however, with the addition of proof-of-stake, another level of security has been added. This mechanism provides support for users who do not have access to specific mining hardware to ensure the network's ability to act as a shareholder by staking while simultaneously generating interest rewards that mimic the real world at inflation levels.
Proof of Work - Proof of Stake Based on Balthazar's Novacoin code and the RareCoin and Fairnova projects, Bitbar's staked gold coins have a PoS annual return of 5%. Not only is Proof of Stake beneficial for investors, but it is also an energy-efficient way of generating blocks of the blockchain. Bitbar noticed and fixed out-of-sync issues. Peercoin developer Sunny King.
*The above content is organized by YouToCoin official. If reprinted, please indicate the source.