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BEE Coin (BEE for short) is issued by BeeEx.com, the first fully transparent aggregation trading platform. It is a deflationary platform token produced 100% through transaction mining. The total circulation is 100 million. There is no reservation and never The additional issuance will be 100% produced through transaction mining. BeeEx.com will use the platform fee and activity income to repurchase and destroy BEE every week until the total amount of BEE is 21 million. In the future, BEE holders will successively receive a series of other platform rights such as discounted handling fees, subscription and renewal.
Fully transparent, 100% transaction mining output of platform currency, 100% reserve fund, deflation model.
BEE will be mined through open and transparent transactions on the BeeEx.com platform. Mining is divided into five stages in total, and the output will be halved after each stage until 100 million BEEs are fully produced.
The first stage: daily output of 300,000 BEE, lasting for 180 days;
The second stage: daily output of 150,000 BEE, lasting for 180 days;
The third stage: daily output 70,000 BEEs will be produced for 180 days;
The fourth stage: 30,000 BEEs will be produced every day for 180 days;
The fifth stage: 10,000 BEEs will be produced every day for 100 days.
Core logic: BeeEx.com will divide the BEE mining pool of the day according to the proportion of the user's mining transaction volume to the total mining transaction volume.
Actual transaction amount: refers to the actual transaction amount completed by users on BeeEx.com (API transactions and fiat currency transactions are not counted).
Mining transaction volume: refers to the transaction volume adjusted by the platform according to the activity coefficient and invitation coefficient.
Mining transaction amount = the actual transaction amount of the account on the day + the actual transaction amount of the next two levels of friends ✖️Upward contribution ratio (20% of first-level friends and 5% of second-level friends)
BEE mining income: Refers to participating in BeeEx platform transaction mining and obtaining rewards of the platform currency BEE.
Daily BEE mining income = daily total amount of BEE in the mining pool * user's daily mining transaction volume / platform's daily total mining transaction volume
Participate in new purchases;
Discounted handling fees;
Enjoy the increased scarcity brought by BeeEx’s continuous repurchase and destruction;
Pledge BEE to become a BEE partner and get a super invitation coefficient;
br> Stay tuned for more scenes.
70% of the daily net handling fee obtained by the BeeEx platform will be used to repurchase BEE in the secondary market. 70% of the activity income and sponsorship fees obtained by the BeeEx platform will be used to repurchase BEE in the secondary market.
All repurchased BEEs will be destroyed every week, and the destruction records on the chain will be announced as soon as possible; the repurchase and destruction plan will be implemented until the total amount is 21 million.
*The above content is organized by YouToCoin official. If reprinted, please indicate the source.