Design & Creation, White Paper, Website Launch, NBM Token, Listing on PancakeSwap, Liquidity Locked Forever, Social Media, Reviewed by RugScreen, Reviewed by TechRate.
5,000 holders, organize social media, list on Dapp, list on DappRadar, list in BSCProject, launch minting for art sector, launch art market marketplace, collaborate with artists and musicians.
10,000 holders, marketing campaign, listing on CoinGecko, listing on CoinMarketCap, launching NBM Staking, launching minting for the music section, collaborating with more artists and musicians.
20,000 holders, marketing campaign, launch casting for video segment, launch music segment marketplace, work with more artists and musicians.
50,000 holders, WhiteBIT listing, marketing campaign, launching private market, launching minting for patent sector, launching video segment market, collaborating with more artists and musicians.
100,000 holders, Hotbit listing, website redesign, marketing campaign, launch of patent marketplace, minting of documentation section, collaboration with more artists and musicians, collaboration with content creators and inventors.
500,000 holders, WazirX goes public, launches marketplace for documents section, works with more artists and musicians, works with more content creators and inventors, adds social media features to the platform.
2,000,000 holders, support TRON, support Ethereum.
3,000,000 holders, listed on Huobi, the launch bridge system supports Cardano, supports Polygon.
5,000,000 holders, listed on Binance, support Solana, support Hashgraph, support Polkadot.
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